
July 2017

Kokteilbar Stykkishólms 2017


Sheep sorrel sorbet, strawberries and rum? This is the winning combination. Stykkishólmur Cocktail Weekend 2017 awarded our cocktail Mrs. Möller the winning entry this year. We are proud of our staff who made it. Narfeyrarstofa house was originally built for Mrs. Möller in 1906 hence the name of the cocktail. Just ask for Mrs. Möller, [...]

Kokteilbar Stykkishólms 20172023-04-04T13:17:03+00:00

June 2017

Ný viðbygging við Narfeyrarstofu/New kitchen


Almost there! Our new kitchen is nearing completion. A lot of hard work with great people is about to pay off. Better work environment for our staff results in better service for the costumer. Also, the paint job on the outside is coming along nicely. -------------------- Næstum tilbúið. Nýja aldhúsið fer alveg að verða tilbúið. [...]

Ný viðbygging við Narfeyrarstofu/New kitchen2023-04-04T13:17:03+00:00
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